



1. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A photograph.

B. A harvest.

C. A painting.

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.

B. In a hotel.

C. In a shopping mall.

3. What will the man probably do next?

A. Give some advice.

B. Help rewrite the report.

C. Go through the report.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He agrees with the trip.

B. The deal sounds impossible.

C. He has some questions to ask.

5. What does the woman promise to do?

A. Pick up the kid.

B. Cook dinner.

C. Get off work early.




6. What will the woman do tomorrow?

A. Write a report.

B. Do exercises.

C. Go for a ride.

7. What’s Dylan planning to do?

A. Buy a car.

B. Ask for a holiday.

C. Travel abroad.


8. What made the woman sleepless last night?

A. The noise from the neighbor.

B. The man’s snoring.

C. The sound made by cats.

9. What did the woman do to help herself sleep finally?

A. Take a sleeping pill.

B. Listen to the music.

C. Bury herself in the pillows.


10. Why is Lisa so excited?

A. She is moved by the movie.

B. She will spend a year in Japan.

C. She won a match.

11. Why does Lisa feel grateful to Professor Whitehead?

A. He recorded some tapes especially for her.

B. He helped her into the program.

C. He taught her Japanese.

12. What can we learn about the conversation?

A. The tuition fees are very high.

B. The overseas programs require mastery of a foreign language.

C. The man admires Lisa very much.


13. What did people think Charles Hatfield was?

A. A rainmaker.

B. A chemist.

C. A magician.

14. What happened when it rained in San Diego in 1916?

A. The city was flooded.

B. More than 200 people died.

C. Many dams were destroyed.

15. How long did it rain in San Diego in total?

A. 4 days.

B. 5 days.

C. 15 days.

16. Why did the city NOT pay Mr. Hatfield in the end?

A. There was no written contract.

B. They thought the rain was an “act of God”.

C. He died in the flood.


17. How many people were injured in the earthquake?

A. About 5,000.

B. More than 8,000.

C. Nearly 8,000.

18. Who is Bhrikuti Rai?

A. A housewife.

B. A journalist.

C. A scientist.

19. Where did Bhrikuti Rai hide herself during the earthquake?

A. Under the doorway.

B. In the cupboard.

C. Under a table.

20. What can we learn about Bhrikuti Rai?

A. She was dancing when the earthquake happened.

B. Her neighbour was injured in the earthquake.

C. Her brother stayed calm in the earthquake.


Text 1

W: Look at this: a young woman was surrounded by pumpkins.

M: Um… Her face is so realistic. I almost thought it was a photograph.

Text 2

M: Do you need a wake-up call, Madam?

W: I’d like a wake-up call at 6:30 a.m., please!

M: OK. I’ll make sure you get one.

Text 3

W: Jack, I’d like to have your opinions about my written report.

M: It looks fine to me. But I have one suggestion.

Text 4

W: I just saw a great deal for a vacation package to London. The only thing is that we have to book the trip in the next 48 hours.

M: That’s out of the question(不可能的).

Text 5

W: When are you getting off work, Charles?

M: 5 o’clock. I can’t leave early in my new job. I have to ring out(挂断电话).

W: OK. I’ll go to pick up little Joanne at 4. And then we will wait for you at Maple for supper.

Text 6

M: Let’s go for a drive somewhere tomorrow.

W: (6)I will be writing a report at home the whole day.

M: Come on! Tomorrow is Saturday. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. You need a holiday.

W: It wasn’t always like this, you know.

M: OK. Could I use your car tomorrow morning?

W: Sure. I heard that you’re planning to buy a car, Dylan.

M: Yea. (7)By next month, I will have saved enough for a used one.

Text 7

M: Oh, your face is so pale. Did you have a good sleep last night?

W: Don’t mention it. A sleepless night.

M: What happened? Your neighbor held a party the whole night again?

W: Well, he’s moved away. I got some water to drink at about 2 a.m. (8)And then I heard many cats crying in the neighborhood. The sound lasted for a long time. It was so horrible. Didn’t you hear the cries?

M: No, I didn’t hear that. You know I took a sleeping pill last night. But why didn’t you wear earphones?

W: While I was listening to the music my cellphone was power off. So… (9)I had to cover my head with the pillows.

Text 8

M: Lisa, what are you watching?

W: An old Japanese film. (10)I’m going to spend next year there, so I’d better get myself familiar with the culture.

M: You mean you are accepted into the program?

W: Sure.

M: That’s wonderful. You must be very excited.

W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Whitehead. (11)He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me some tapes and books so I can work on my basic conversation skills.

M: How much Japanese can you understand?

W: Not a lot right now. But I signed up for Intensive Japanese this semester.

M: (12)I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. I’d love to study abroad too.

W: Then why don’t you? The university has lots of overseas programs that don’t require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same.

Text 9

W: Can a person make it rain?

M: Yea, Charles Hatfield. (13)Many people thought him the greatest rainmaker in North America. He was a salesman. He created a secret mixture of 23 chemicals, he claimed, attracted rain. In 1904, Hatfield stood on a tower and released his mixture into the air. His attempt was successful, and he was paid $100.

W: Did he begin to receive more job offers from then on?

M: Definitely. He wanted to create enough rain to fill a lake of San Diego. On January 1,1916, he began his rainmaking. (15)It began to rain four days later. The rain continued for the next five days. On January 10, it began to rain more heavily, and the rain continued for the next 10 days! Fifty people died. More than 200 bridges and many miles of train tracks were destroyed.

W: Oh, God, (14)the city was flooded! Did Hatfield collect the money?

M: (16)They said the rain was an act of God. So he did not get his fee.Among other things, in 1929 he tried to stop a forest fire in Honduras. He died in 1958 and took his chemical formula with him to his grave.

Text 10

W: The latest information from Nepal: more than 5,000 people died in the huge earthquake. The earthquake hit the country at the weekend and (17)nearly 8,000 were injured.

Millions more have had their lives turned upside down, (18)including journalist Bhrikuti Rai. She was at her home in Kathmandu when the quake struck. She sent us this diary of the dramatic events.

It was exactly 11:58 on Saturday morning. My brother was dancing around the flat but then he suddenly stopped and screamed, “Earthquake!” The room started shaking violently. I could hear the mirror screeching against the wall and the yelling of my neighbors downstairs, and the doors and windows violently slamming(砰地关上(门或窗)) back and forth. I think I screamed and then yelled and felt my breath getting shorter and shorter. (20)But my brother stayed calm. “Stay there. (19)Under the doorway.” he said. We’ve always been taught it’s one of the safest places in a building during an earthquake. This was the big one we had all been scared of for years. And then after what seemed like a century, it stopped, or maybe it didn’t. We looked at each other and put on our shoes.



6—10 AACCB

11—15 BCAAC

16—20 BCBAC




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