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Given that October is Mental Health Month, how can we manage our mental health and boost our mood as our second year with the COVID-19 pandemic draws to a close? According to Dr Andrew Thompson, a registered doctor at Instant scripts, even some small, 15-minute acts can play a huge role in improving your mental well-being at a time like this.

鉴于10月是心理健康月,在2019冠状病毒病大流行的第二年即将结束之际,我们该如何管理我们的心理健康,改善我们的情绪?根据Instant scripts的注册医生安德鲁·汤普森博士的说法,在这种时候,即使是一些小的15分钟的行为也能在改善你的心理健康方面发挥巨大的作用。

1. Reach out to a support network

This network can be made up of friends, family, mental health professionals – anyone you trust who can help support you during this time. Taking 15 minutes out of your day for a quick phone call to a friend can really boost your mood and help reduce those feelings of isolation for a while.

Try setting up a picnic with friends to enjoy some social time with the added bonus of getting outside.

2. Set up a daily schedule/routine

It’s easy to get glued to your work computer during the day, and stay up all hours of the night streaming movies and TV during lockdown. But all of that leads to you getting less sleep and that can contribute to poor mental health. Instead of accidentally overscheduling, take 15 minutes to establish a clear routine each day that allows for plenty of downtime and rest. That means switching off your laptop whenever you finish work, and prioritizing your sleep every night.

Try setting up a Google Calendar to make keeping track of your day easier.

3. Take advantage of telehealth services

One of the big benefits of the pandemic is that many support services are now accessible remotely, meaning you can get help without having to leave home.

Spending just 15 minutes talking through your mental health concerns with a professional can do you a world of good and get you started on the path to better mental well-being.

Try reaching out to services such as BeyondBlue, which offer counseling and support.

4. Get active for 15 minutes

It can be so easy to give up on exercise when you’re struggling mentally, but studies have shown that moving your body really can improve your mood. Setting aside 15 minutes every day for exercise that you actually enjoy – whether it’s a walk, yoga, or a YouTube workout video – can give you a little hit of positive endorphins.

Try investing in a smartwatch like a FitBit Inspire 2 to keep you motivated, track your activity and remind you to keep moving.

21. What does Dr. Thompson advise doing to get rid of the feeling of isolation during lockdown?

A. Stay in contact with your friends.

B. Watch movies and TV.

C. Exercise 15 minutes each day.

D. Keep track of your day to stay motivated.

22. What is the purpose of creating a daily schedule?

A. To avoid overscheduling.

B. To become more productive.

C. To make time to entertain yourself.

D. To improve your sleep quality and well-being.

23. Which of the following would be the best title for the article?

A. Ways to celebrate Mental Health Month.

B. Simple ways to seek support.

C. Four 15-minute acts to lift your mood.

D. Staying positive during the lockdown.


I was sitting at my desk when another grad student in my lab approached me. “Can you help?” he asked. His experiment wasn’t working and he desperately needed help. I was then a fifth year PhD student, and I took pride in being the senior member of the lab, whom everyone looked up to. But that also meant I was the one everyone turned to for help – which ate away hours, days, and sometimes weeks that I could have spent on my own research.


There were many reasons I had a hard time saying no to such pleas (恳求). I was new to the United States for graduate school. I found it difficult to make new friends and discover activities I enjoyed. So I spent a huge chunk of my time in the lab, with my lab-mates serving as my primary source of social connection. I feared that if I brushed them off, I’d lose their favor.

But the extra responsibilities came at a cost. I had to work extra hours to catch up with my own work, and I often made sacrifices to my personal life.

It wasn’t until my wife gave birth to our first child that I realized how thin I had stretched myself – and how misguided my priorities were. While she lay in a hospital bed in the early stages of labor, I sat nearby hunched (伏首前倾的) over my laptop finishing up a work report. Hours later, after hearing my daughter’s first cry and watching her tiny fingers grab tightly onto mine, it dawned on me: I should have been fully present during my daughter’s birth. I was clearly spending too much time working if my job had intruded (侵入) into one of life’s most precious moments.

From then on, I decided to spend more time with my family by paring down my work tasks and carefully considering each request for help. I still enjoyed collaborating with others, but I prioritized mutually beneficial tasks or those my manager asked me to take on, rather than accepting everything that came my way.

I noticed many benefits: no longer working overtime, more family time, and improved work performance. I was also pleased to discover that “Sorry, I’d love to help but I have a deadline coming up” is an acceptable response to a request for assistance.

It’s hard to say “no” to those you work with. But I’ve learned that sometimes that’s the best course of action to avoid an excessive workload and lead a freer and happier life.


24. Why did the author find it difficult to refuse the requests of his lab-mates?

A. He was the senior member of the lab.

B. He wanted to earn their respect.

C. He was afraid to be left out by them.

D. He had once received help from them.

25. What did the author realize after his daughter’s birth?

A. He was guilty for his absence when she was born.

B. His wife had sacrificed a lot for the family.

C. He should have balanced work and life better.

D. He should work harder due to the increased responsibilities.

26. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “paring down” in paragraph 5?

A. Putting aside.

B. Cutting down.

C. Getting familiar with.

D. Keeping track of.

27. What is the text mainly about?

A. Enjoying family life.

B. Giving priority to family.

C. Giving and taking.

D. Learning to say “no”.







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